Aviation security is a complex business. It overlaps, intersects and integrates with all aspects of operations. Failure to get the right balance will do irreparable damage to a company. Security applied in an appropriate manner can compliment and facilitate your operations. But that takes careful planning.
AVSEC Consulting offers advice on the drafting of aviation security programmes. This covers procedures, instructions, help with approvals and quality control. We can provide systems for internal monitoring.
All advice draws upon ICAO Annex 17, ICAO Doc 8973, the Hong Kong Aviation Security Programme and other relevant provisions.
AVSEC Consulting helps companies apply to become known consignors or known suppliers. This means that companies must draft a security programme. Based on that program they organise their premises and processes. An appointed security manager undertakes this role. Beside, all staff must be security aware.
AVSEC Consulting can offer training in various aviation security related areas.
ICAO standards and recommended practices covering airports, Aviation Security Programmes, passenger screening, baggage screening , catering screening, cargo screening and mail screening
Threats to civil aviation, covering understanding the risks posed by criminals, terrorists, migrants/refugees, staff and innocent travellers.
Quality Assurance and Inspections
It is a rule that procedures relating to aviation security be the subject of quality control. AVSEC Consulting can provide advice about what these requirements entail. This covers how to perform quality control and quality assurance.
AVSEC Consulting can play an internal monitoring role. Ensuring that security measures get implemented in an appropriate manner.